What was the greatest obstacle?
I started in 2009 and my biggest obstacle was to have started in the middle of the global financial crisis. It was not certainly the best time to start but I believed it anyway and finally I was right to believe it since I am still here.
How did you approach the business side of watchmaking as the creator and maker yourself?
I carefully watched how my former employers worked, I selected the best to use them for myself and I also retained their errors so as not to reproduce them in my turn. I think the biggest mistakes I have seen and still see is trying to get too big and too fast which is impossible without financial partners. Only here, the day it goes bad, these same financial partners let you go and there it is very often the death of the brand and your dream, so my first lesson and the most important is to remain completely independent. My production will therefore be limited to less than 20 pieces per year, but that to the delight of my collectors
Where do you find inspiration for design?
I find inspiration in everyday life. For the Upside Down, I found inspiration in the 2008 financial crisis, the media around the world was talking about the numbers falling down so I thought if only one kept looking up, then that was enough to continue living. Upside Down is a hymn to optimism and it also reminds you that the present moment remains the most important thing to live. For Half Time, the inspiration came from Love ... when two halves are found to form only one.
With my wife and my son. During the day I work in the workshop accompanied by my wife and in the evening we find our son who loves playing with my tools and my radio-controlled planes. They give me happiness and inspiration
How do you view the current state of trade shows, how do you feel is best to show clients and the industry your new watches?
I think we are in a transitional period. Myself in recent years I have left the lounges of the centers of interest that I like like model aircraft and fishing for example. I was trapped by the addiction to the mobile phone and to online shopping, but after 2 months of lockdown I finally realize the importance of freedom and I therefore planned to return to the salons to see the latest news and especially talking about it verbally which is not possible with a tablet. So I think it will be the same in the world of watchmaking, that people will abandon their touchscreen tablet for a return to relationships that are much more human and that are even more essential to us today after what we have just to cross.