This came in from a mate of mine in New York. It hd to be shared.
“I draw a lot of inspiration from my soon to be 94 year old mother. She is still in good health and spirits. She fled Lithuania as a young girl in the closing days of World War 2 as the Eastern Front was collapsing. They were about a day behind the retreating Germans and about a day ahead of the advancing Russians. She said that as the wagon train of refugees was headed west, some days the Germans would shoot at them because they wanted them to stay and fight. Some days, the Russians would shoot at them because they didn't want them to leave. When I saw her 2 weeks ago (still talk to her every day) she said "Yeah this shit is bad, but at least nobody is bombing us". Wound up in a DP Camp in Germany for 5 years before coming to the US. And no matter what, how ever bad whatever situation she was in, she always just shrugged her shoulders and said "Okay, been through worse".