The personal satisfaction that comes from knowing you gave it your best. R. Nadal
Inspiration From The Daily Stoic Ryan Holiday
It was not lost even on the Stoics that some parts of this philosophy come more naturally to some people than others. Some folks just seem chill by default. Some are so-called “old souls” who have wisdom and perspective, almost from birth. Others were not blessed (or cursed) with ambition or opportunities, and so there is very little challenge going on in their life anyway.
Good for them. That’s their lot in life. It’s not ours. It certainly wasn’t Seneca’s.
The rest of us have to struggle. We struggle against our impulses. We struggle to really internalize these teachings. We are struggling to manage our tempers or the envy that creeps up out of nowhere, into our souls, and then out through our hands and mouths as deeds we wish we could undo. It’d be nice if we didn’t have to struggle so much, but we do.
And yet, this struggle—and the triumphs over it, however temporary—that is what’s impressive about us. Seneca wrote that he doesn’t admire the person who has it easy, who is naturally Stoic. No, he admires the man “who has won a victory over the meanness of his own nature, and has not gently led himself, but has wrestled his way, to wisdom.” Seneca reserved his deepest appreciation for the person who’d survived the crucible of ego, who’d navigated the gauntlet of envy and pride, who’d walked through the shadow of the valley of death, but with himself as his own shepherd.
Today, we must continue to wrestle. We must continue to struggle and fight for victory. It won’t be easy—it never is—but that’s the whole point. It’s the man in the arena that we admire. It’s the one covered in dust and sweat that matters. And that’s who we are.
Why do we worry? Have you ever considered why we allow so much of our mental capacity to be occupied by worry. When you really break it down, it’s kind of absurd.
Understand before Making JUDGEMENT
I was listening to the Brexit debate on LBC radio this afternoon. This gent called in and was ferociously for leaving the EU. When asked what tangible changes he would like to see, he didn’t have one issue that he could pinpoint where the EU had wronged him. It’s a complex subject, but like anything, get equipped with the detail (if possible) before becoming an expert.
On Happiness
“Happiness is the absence of unhappiness”
Homo Deus
The Power Of The Polymath
A Stoic View On Forgiveness
New High Rate
As the world of work evolves, more and more of us are freelancing. Pricing yourself is always tricky. Something I have done this year which I believe has been rewarding in every sense is having a “new high rate”. So whatever I was paid last time for an hour, day / project now becomes my new high rate. I won’t charge myself out for less. This ensures I don’t undervalue myself as I establish what the market can tolerate.
Golf and film photography are both frustrating and exhilarating in equal measure.
They are also both friends for life.
Why We Sleep
Essential reading (or listening):
The Greatest Gift
It struck me on the train yesterday, watching everyone on their phones, that the greatest gift one can give in this busy world is our attention.
“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? So if you cannot do such a small thing, why do you worry about the rest?” Seneca
Inspiration From Om
This was sent to me by a friend last week.
It was so good I had to share it.
Sign up to Om’s newsletter here. You won’t regret it.
Keeping A Record
How are you recording your days, weeks, months, holidays, books etc?
This year I have started using a very, very simple template on Microsoft Word. Here it is:
This weekend past I lost a friend. He was a man I only had the privilege of knowing for a short period of time, but the feeling of loss is real. Impossible to quantify - I keep replaying the last comment I made to him and his smile (he was always smiling).
Don’t forget to let people know how much you care for them. Aim to be able to stand by those passing comments as if they were your last.
Go well Alex, it was an honour.
The One Non Negotiable
This morning I watched to a YouTube clip sent to me by a dear friend. It features one for the great thinkers of our day Mr Naval Ravikant. I was struck by many things in the video, but above all that integrity is king. Without it we have nothing.
David and Goliath
David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell:
“The act of facing overwhelming odd produces great strength and beauty. What seems to offer strength is often the very weakness”
A Challenge For A New Day
Are you able to sit for the duration of your commute without looking at your phone?
Online Engagement
You may be running your own personal brand or a multinational. When it comes to content online, I am now of the belief you should be looking for marriage, not engagement.